Saturday 4 April 2020

The King of Sea [BOOK REVIEW]

Book name - The King of the Sea: A Metaphysical Novel and Musical Odyssey
Author -  Nandan Gautam.
Ratings - 5⭐

The book is not that difficult what it looks like from the cover page and it's not that simple what it is from inside. Maybe it's quite confusing that what is it exactly and to know that you need to read this. It's not like other books, it's something different and really a masterpiece.

The King of the Sea by Nandan Gautam is a metaphysical novel and a musical odyssey that takes into account varying themes to bring out a delightful work of art.
The book is a musical journey that aspires you to fulfil your dreams beyond imagination.

The way each word is written is so powerful that it brings zeal and motivates you to the utmost core.
The book require time to understand it, you can easily feel the hard work behind this creation. Author's dedication, effort and true spirit to create this book are really appreciable and clearly visible as we read. More you into the book, more you'll understand it's depth.
I love the cover of the book. It is soothing to the eyes and reflects the depth of the book. If I talk about its title, then obviously that is the perfect choice for the book.

The writing style of the author is effective and impressive. His words have the potential to make a change and left a great impact on readers. I must it's a must-read book, no matter what genre you prefer reading but investing time and money into it, well worth it for sure.

Click here to purchse the book

#bookreview #booksreviewergulshan 

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