Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Unprodigal Book review by Gulshan Kumar


The Unprodigal by Manu Dhawan is really is wonderful Read and the roller coaster ride of emotions. The title is apt to the story and it's simple and attractive cover will force you to know what's inside.

The story revolves around Aryan, who belongs to a rich family but due to some personal issues with the family, he left his house without informing anyone. 
The story starts with a train travelling to Pakistan and unfortunately Aryan was travelling by the same train. 
Where the Aryan is actually going? What is the past of his family? Why he Left his House? There are several questions which will be answered when you read this amazing book.
{Other than this I have a lot to write about it's a story line but it will be kind like a spoiler, so without any second thought pick it up and read it know all the hidden beauty of its.}

The characterization is well defined and nicely done. Every next page will make you more curious and girded to it. The author has done a great job on plotting such heart touching content with a fineness with his pen. 
The language used is quite simple and professional with a deep knowledge of the grammar.

It's unique story line and gripping storytelling will hold you back to the seat till the end. The story is medium paced will require  5 to 7 hours of reading time for an average reader. 
The concept is really engaging and powerful that it will keep revolving in your mind even after days of reading.

It's something like family drama which has many characters that may confuse while reading but to understand the importance and placement of every single scene and character you need to have patience. Beginners may find it quite boring because of it's well-described scene placement and character description. 

Overall, it's a great book with such a beautiful story line. 
I will give it 4.5๐ŸŒŸ out of 5.

Recommendation - No doubt go for it and thank me later.

Book Review by Gulshan kumar

Contact for book reviews at gulanp07@gmail.com

Sunday 21 June 2020

Jasveer Singh's Interview


1.] Introduction 

Jasveer is a behavioral trainer, and an award-winning health and safety professional. He is currently working as the Profit Center Head of a Health & Safety Training company. In 2018, he was awarded by IISSM for his contributions to the Health and Safety training domain. He was part of the team of trainers that trained 22,000 volunteers of Commonwealth Games 2010. In 2019 Literature Light recognized him as top 100 debut authors for his debut book Version One and a Half (Version 1 ½). He was also named as the ‘Author of the Fest’ at the Writing Wizards Fest 2020 for his book Double One Zero (110) – Out of the shadows. He loves the outdoors. He has done extensive high attitude climbing in India and Nepal. He is a big movie buff which also quite evident from him using quotes and songs from movies at strategic places in all his books. His first book ‘VERSION ONE AND A HALF (VERSION 1 ½)’, was published in Sept 2018. This was a self-help book. This book was his attempt to use childhood memories from 80's for solving problems in the present. It was written like a self-help book. His second book, a mix of non-fiction & fiction, ‘DIARY FROM HEAVEN’, was published in Jan 2019. He used stories from his own college life and initial days in corporate for this book. This book was well received because of its surreal portrayal of effects of drug addiction on the youth. His first fully fiction work, DOUBLE ONE ZERO (110) – OUT OF THE SHADOWS’, a thriller, was published on 16th Jan, 2020. This was a thriller about a man looking for his identity which takes him to France. His forth and shortest work, ‘THE METRO-MANIAC CHRONICLES’, was published on 9th April, 2020 during the lock-down in India due to Novel Corona Virus outbreak. The book describes various kinds’ of travelers in Delhi metro with a touch of humor and their mirror kinds in a typical work place. His fifth book, ‘SHAHENSHAH – STORY OF CANCER CONQUEROR SHRENIK SHAH’, will be out in the last week of June 2020. He’s an avid observer of his surroundings and uses characters and instances from his everyday situations for his stories. He also shares his thoughts on his blog on storymirror.com, jasveersinghdangi (Instagram account and his Facebook page) and his website www.jasveersingh.in

2.] What are the duties of an Author towards society?

 As an author our duty is to be honest & optimistic. Literary work has always impacted society in a big way so, our work, fiction or non-fiction, must present an honest & optimistic view of the society & life in general.  

3.] If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

My younger self was not remotely related to writing in anyway but one message for a younger me would be, "focus shastri" (if you love movies as much as i do then you would know the meaning of this dialogue). As someone who had a non-tech education background, I was not focused at all during my initial corporate days. A message to my younger self would be to focus on things which matter most & ignore other things. 

4.] What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?  

I have always been motivated by people & situations around me & I have used real life people & events as motivation for characters in my stories so I wanted to thank them for giving me so many colors for my stories.

5.] Do you view writing as a kind of Social Service especially when you write on social issues? 

Personally, I write for me. Writing started as a De-stressing tool & it has really helped me remain sane. More than others, writing is helping me to stay focused.

6.] How do you select the Title of your Book? 

All my nook titles are different & spontaneous. I cant describe it but it just happens that I come across unique names for my books in a flash. Usually I start without a name & through the writing process i come-up with the title.

7.] What are the important aspects while writing non-fiction? 

Be honest & true to the subject. Dont try to fiddle with the story to make it too spicy or interesting.

8.] What message would you like to give to people of our Society? 

Stop wasting time & start reading. Reading is the best solution for anxiety & stress & also it improves the thinking process.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Author Interview - Alakananda Pramanik

Author - Alakananda Pramanik

1.) Please introduce yourself.

Born in a simple and well educated family in Nagpur, Maharashtra, I was brought up in a very family oriented environment. My dad was a Mechanical Engineer & Professor in an Engineering college and a voracious reader, and my mom was a housewife, yet very fashionable, talented, energetic and multi-tasking. 

I am passionate about music, painting and writing. If the combination of these three are addicting, then I like being addicted. It gives me a high!  It is like a stress reliever and very relaxing.

I love exploring the beauty of life. I can confidently say that nothing is impossible in life. The limitations are only in our mind. I strongly believe that there is no age to begin. you can begin and learn at any age. As I started emerging I realised that I was capable of doing many things in life. 

I went for a photo shoot for Human Expression & Emotions by an upcoming photographer and realised the pleasure of modelling. Serving the needy and underprivileged became a part of life. Apart from organizing & hosting several events & workshops successfully in Kolkata, I have acted in a couple of short films too. A Bengali short film ‘Sujog – The Opportunity’ and a Hindi Short film ‘Shakti – The Strength within’, both of which were released on Women’s day 2019 and 2020 respectively. I love travelling, photography and reading too. I have a great collection of books in my personal library, and time and again I take a book out and re-read it.

Recently, I won the ‘Achiever Award 2020’ in the ‘Author Achiever’ category by Literoma. 

Each activity in my life has been uplifting, exciting and an interesting experience. 

Currently I hold a responsible position in the Credit Control team of one of India’s leading IT companies, as well as hold an honorary Senior Leadership position in one of the top e-Learning Platforms, Soulitaire.

I thank all the people who have crossed my path for tapping my potential, and helping me bring out the harder & softer side of the woman in me.

2.) As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

As a child, my dreams were nowhere near becoming an author though I used to attempt to write stories. I would dream of becoming a Pilot, play guitar and become a Rockstar. I was a tomboy during my growing years. I enjoyed climbing trees, cycling without breaks and taking risks. But I was passionate about reading novels and stories, which still continues.

3.) What is the first book that made you cry?

Not Without my Daughter’ by Betty Mahmoody.

4.) What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?

All Publishing companies in general operate the same way. They have charges against different category of packages. The author must weigh & compare each and decide accordingly. Other options are self-publishing. I feel that apart for some exceptions, book publishers as a whole, have to be ethical, as trying to grow easy business and fast money can only get them into the spotlight and rejected.

5.) Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Definitely energizes me. With each story completed it gives a kind of satisfaction.

6.) What are common traps for aspiring writers?

The most common trap for an aspiring writer is writing and keeping to oneself as either they are shy or are not aware how to make it visible to a larger audience. This will never help them fulfil their dreams of becoming a writer. Another trap is the feeling that everyone will love their book and it will become #1 bestseller. They love their book because they put in hours in it and wrote it. But it’s not necessary that everyone will love it. Not everyone reads the same thing. Not everyone may like the flow of it. Apart from this, there is the inability to accept critical feedback. 

7.) Does a big ego help or hurt writers?

Ego never helps. A writer with big ego can never grow. There are four things we must keep in mind - Eradicate ego, be humble, break the mental barrier and believe in yourself.

8.) Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

‘Soul Stirrer’ is my debut book and each story was original. From the reviews that poured in abundance, I could gather that the readers loved it.

9.) Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

A technical writer doesn’t need emotions. But a writer other than that has to be emotionally connected to their writing for the readers to connect to their story and get into the minds of the character. Writing without emotion can only be compared to material in the form of data, numbers and presentations!

10.) What message would you like to give to Budding writers?

Make reading a habit. It is very important that they read a lot.
Start small, like start writing short stories, small writeups
Join writers group, it helps a lot when you are interacting with like-minded people.
Take advise from other authors
Observer and always taking mental notes 
Write down these notes and any ideas that come in your mind immediately, because you may forget it if you leave it in your memory.
Writing and hiding it doesn’t help. Others should read what you have written. Hence, look for opportunities and ways of publishing them, even if you have to take help from your friends who may have a publishing house, or publish magazines for their organization where stories or writeups are open for any writer.
Believe in yourself and your writing, and never stop working towards your dream.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Five Gifts that shaped my Life Book Review

Book name - Five gifts that shaped my life
Author - Samar Deep Singh
Ratings - 4.6⭐

Five gifts that shaped my life by Samar Deep is truly a must-read. As the title suggests so is the book, engaging and interesting. Its title grabs my attention and picks this up to read and when I finish reading I was happy and fully satisfied with the book. It was much more than my expectations. 

It's catchy and interesting storyline attracts the reader's and the writing style make it a Must Read. 

The story revolves around Ron and his Grandfather. It shows the relationship between grandparent and the grandson. 
When Ron came back to his house after spending years in a boarding school, his grandfather has five gifts for him. Which was gifted on his last five birthdays? His five gifts was an hourglass, magnifying glass, Violin, mirror and the coloured pebbles.

Its unique concept is the soul of the book. It's more like self-help. Childhood is the Best part of life and this book is all about that beautiful time. Pictures in between it make it a little attractive.
The language used is simple and easy to understand. The title is really good and attractive but the cover page could be much better. 

Overall it's full of emotions and really a great book to Read. Don't think twice just grab the copy and enjoy the book.

Making it Big Review

  You all must have heard of wai wai noodles, the book is the autobiography of the man behind this popular and amazing noodles Mr Binod Chau...

Books Review by Gulshan Kumar